75 or 76 depending on when you were born in the year
As today is 1st January 2010 and you are 75 and born in May you were born in the year 1934.
Subtracting 75 from the current year, 2010, gives 1935. Therefore, if you have had your birthday already this year, you will have been born in 1935. If you have not yet had your birthday, you would have been born in 1934.
If I am 88 now what year was I born
If now is 2010 you were born in:1986
She was born in 1934, so now she is 75 year old.
If you turn 75 on your birthday in these years, your birth year is indicated: 2011 - born in 1936 2012 - born in 1937 2013 - born in 1938 2014 - born in 1939 2015 - born in 1940 So, to find the birth year, subtract 75 from the current year in which the birthday is occurring. You will one year younger before your birthday in any year.
If you are 75 years old, assuming the current year is 2021, you were likely born in 1946.
75 or 76 depending on when you were born in the year
As today is 1st January 2010 and you are 75 and born in May you were born in the year 1934.
If you were born in 1938, you are 75 years old now.
Subtracting 75 from the current year, 2010, gives 1935. Therefore, if you have had your birthday already this year, you will have been born in 1935. If you have not yet had your birthday, you would have been born in 1934.
75 years old.
Depends on the current year. (current date)-(age)=(date born)
If I am 88 now what year was I born
If now is 2010 you were born in:1986
Depending on the month, either in 1939 or 1940