93 years ago.
12 months = 1 year so 93 months = 93/12 = 31/4 = 7.75 years
You turn 39 on your birthday in 2012.
A person born in 1918 is 92 in 2011 until his birthday, and turns 93 on his birthday in 2011. We wish him continued long life in good health.
as of February 2010 youre 15 years old.
You were born in 1945 (2012-67).
if i was 93 years old when was i born?
na youre aright
No, of course not. Unless there is some specific legal bar to communications, you can talk to anyone you choose.
93 years ago.
At that time it was about $14,500 a year.
Edward Gough Whitlam was born on 11 July 1916. That would make him 93 this year.
youre useless!
Born 3/1/1927 Age 82 for the next few days.
youre mouth moves and makes a noise (year one):)
9/12/93 9/12/93 9/12/93