As of February 15th, 2011, if you're 38 then you were born in 1972 or in early 1973.
one minute and thirtyeight,twentynine hundredth of seconds
$38.00 x 25% = $9.50 $38.00 - 9.50 = $28.50
No.If you were born on the year 2001 then you would be born on the year of the snake.
Since you have had your birthday anniversary this year,Year of birth = Current year minus Age. You were born in 1968.
IF you will be 25 in the year 2012 - you were born sometime in the year 1987 !
Just once - with a remainder of 22 !
one minute and thirtyeight,twentynine hundredth of seconds
65,038,810 Sixtyfive million thirtyeight thousand eighthundred and ten soldiers died
$38.00 x 25% = $9.50 $38.00 - 9.50 = $28.50
No.If you were born on the year 2001 then you would be born on the year of the snake.
he was born in the year 1485
He was born in the year 1653.
Since you have had your birthday anniversary this year,Year of birth = Current year minus Age. You were born in 1968.
calculated in 2011, the year of birth was 1998 . if you were born in the beggining of the year it is 1999
June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.
10 year old was born in 2000.
IF you will be 25 in the year 2012 - you were born sometime in the year 1987 !