At the time of answering, you would have been born in 2002 or 2003.
Since this is 2014, subtract 2014-11= 2003 was the year in which you were born.
That answer depends on what date in that year you were born. No.. Obviously the answer would be 11 year old or 10 and a half at the moment.. but I have agree with you -------------------------- Thanks for ANOTHER NON-ANSWER.
You would be 11 I know because I was born one year before
Assuming about 365 days per year, that would be 11/365.
2009 - 11 = 1998 The horse was born in 1998
if they were born in February the would be 11 in 2021
in 2009 you would of been born in 1998 in 2010 you would of been born in 1999
You would be either 11 or 12. You would turn 12 in that year, but if your birthday was later in the year you would be 11 turning 12. 2011-1999= 12
10. I would know. That is the year i was born. But you would turn 11 on your b-day
Since this is 2014, subtract 2014-11= 2003 was the year in which you were born.
That answer depends on what date in that year you were born. No.. Obviously the answer would be 11 year old or 10 and a half at the moment.. but I have agree with you -------------------------- Thanks for ANOTHER NON-ANSWER.
You would be 11 I know because I was born one year before
Assuming about 365 days per year, that would be 11/365.
If you were born in 2000, you would be 22 years old in 2022.
If you turned 11 on your birthday in 1960, then you were born in 1949.
2009 - 11 = 1998 The horse was born in 1998
yes he said he would date a fan so why not