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1997 or 1998, depends what day it is now to the month you were born

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Q: What year would you be born if you were thirteen?
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What are you if you are born in 1998?

you would be a twelve year old turning thirteen

What year do you have to be thirteen?

You have to be thirteen exactly thirteen years from your birth date for exactly one year. The year (or years, if you pass December) it is when are thirteen depends on the date of your birthday. I was born 11/01/1970 and was thirteen in 1983 and 1984.

In what year do you have to be born in to be age thirteen?


Who would go out with a thirteen year old and not a normal thirteen year old?

Anyone between 12-15

What year were you born if you are age thirteen?

2008-13= 1995

Would it be all right for a thirteen year old to get a lip ring?

i would say NO!!!!!!!

Is it good for a thirteen year old to go out with a sixteen year old?

Only if the parents would approve of it.

Would you date a thirteen year old or someone older than you?


Is it ok for a thirteen year old girl to have a thirteen year old boyfriend?

Of course.

What would a typical day in the life of a china student thirteen years old?

I would do my daily things and then go to school and do my homework. If I were a thirteen year old student in china, then that's exactly what I would do.

Would he ever date a thirteen year old girl from Nebraska?

Anyone between 12 +15 would

What if you asked a thirteen year old girl out and you are sixteen would it be right and aloud in England?

I guess it would be the parents descision.