A person born in 1959 would be 51 this year, 2010.
Most graduate when they are (or are soon to be) 22 years old, so 2008.
You would graduate in the year 2008
A person born in 1959 would be 51 this year, 2010.
If you were born in early to mid '10, you would graduate in '28. However, if you were born in mid to late '10, you would graduate in '29.
If you were born in December 1971, you would likely graduate from high school in 1989.
Oh, what a lovely question! If you were born in 1959, and we add 18 years to that, you would graduate in 1977. Just imagine all the happy little memories you would have made during those school years! Remember, there are no mistakes, just happy accidents.
if you are in fifth grade then you would graduate in 2018
Do you mean graduate high school? Then the answer would be 2010.