Calculated in 2012, your age is 87 years of age.
Calculated in 2010, the year of birth was 1978.
Calculated in 2010 the year of birth was 1940.
On your birthday in 2012, you would turn 15.
You had (or will have) your 10th birthday in 2012.
Calculated in 2012, your age is 87 years of age.
calculated in 2010, the year of birth was 1928.
Calculated in 2010, the year of birth was 1978.
Calculated in 2010 the year of birth was 1940.
On your birthday in 2012, you would turn 15.
You are 13 this year (2009) you are 16 this year (2012)
You would be 21 years old on your birthday.
Present Age = 2012 - 1988 = 24 years old