1 January falls on a Saturday in years that are multiples of 7, like 2022, 2033, 2044, and so on. So, grab your calendar and start counting by sevens if you want to plan your Saturday celebrations in advance. Just don't forget to invite me to the party!
2011, 20222011, this coming year.
January 1st, 1977, was a Saturday.
Calendars can repeat after either 5 years, 6 years or 11 years. So if there is a repetition after 6 years and again after 11 years, that will be at total of 17 years. 2005 repeated in 2011, 6 years later, and will repeat 11 years after that in 2022. 2006 will repeat in 2017, 11 years later, and in 2023, 6 years after that. The pattern is down to the way leap years affect the day a year starts. Obviously there are 7 days in a week. In a 7 year period there is either one or two leap years, so either one or two days will be skipped. If one day is skipped, then the same day can come around again in 6 years. If two days are skipped a day can come around in 5 years. However, for the day that is actually skipped, it will take it longer to come around, and that is why it can be 11 years. Also if a leap year occurs, it will have an extra day so the calendar will be different. 2006 started on a Sunday. 2012 also started on a Sunday, but it was a leap year, so there was an extra day, instead of the 365 days that 2006 had. 2012 and 2016 are both leap years. If you look through the full list from 2005 to 2023, you will see the patterns. If you take any day of the week a year starts on and the other years that also start on the same day, you will see there is that 5, 6 or 11 year gap: Saturday 1 January 2005 Sunday 1 January 2006 Monday 1 January 2007 Tuesday 1 January 2008 (leap year) Thursday 1 January 2009 Friday 1 January 2010 Saturday 1 January 2011 Sunday 1 January 2012 (leap year) Tuesday 1 January 2013 Wednesday 1 January 2014 Thursday 1 January 2015 Friday 1 January 2016 (leap year) Sunday 1 January 2017 Monday 1 January 2018 Tuesday 1 January 2019 Wednesday 1 January 2020 (leap year) Friday 1 January 2021 Saturday 1 January 2022 Sunday 1 January 2023
February 1, 2009 fell on a Saturday.
January 1, will next fall on a Saturday in 2011.
The 1st of January will next be on a Saturday in 2022.
January 1 1949 was a Saturday.
January the 1st 2011 was on a Saturday.
2011, this coming year.
2011, 20222011, this coming year.
January 1, 1 is a Monday on the Gregorian calendar, and it is a Saturday on the Julian calendar.
During the past decade, Nov. 1 fell on a Saturday in 2003 and in 2008.
That's a Saturday on the Gregorian calendar.
January 1 2000 was on a Saturday.
As a general rule, July 1 falls on a Saturday every 6.981481481 years. Given rounding, you can, therefore, say July 1 falls on a Saturday once every 7 years.