It's a quote by Masaccio, a painter of the Italian Early Renaissance. This quote is mentioned somewhere in his painting called The Trinity.
Yes, the word surely is an adverb.An example sentence is: "surely he will follow the rules now?"
Surely has two syllables.
Once the realm of science fiction, bionics is slowly but surely becoming a reality. Advances in medical prostheses and computer technology are making the dream of building a bionic human a reality.
The word "surely" is in the King James Version of the Bible 284 times. It is in 278 verses.
The adjective sure has the adverb form surely. It can mean certainly, inevitably, or without fail.
Cats and dogs can become friends if you raise them up together.
They are still thinking. Once they confirm surely i will post the answer
They are still thinking. Once they confirm surely i will post the answer
Yes sure... Why not. Surely girls can become a charted accountant.
a wish
more surely, most surely
Surely there are some courses/degrees you can get in Fashion Writing. Then I suppose there would be job interviews. Good luck!
well, if she broke, show sympathy. then become her friend. slowly but surely, you'll get there.
Yes, you will surely need a college degree for this line of work. You should major in Childcare Management.
The boards can be shifted inward, outward, forward, or backward once attached to the brackets. With this innovation, the running boards become even more adaptable and ideally fitted to your truck or cargo van. You can check out the running board brackets online. Surely you can get a good one.
It will become an Exploit.