If you mean: 4x -2 = 86 then the value of x is 22 when solved
The increase is 88 - 2 or 86. The percentage increase is 100 times this number divided by the original value, or 100(86/2) or 4300 %.
86% of 117 can be rewritten as a multiplication problem:0.86 x 117 = 100.62You can always divide a percentage by 100 to get it's decimal value. 86/100 = .86.Tip: When you do these problems, just double check to make sure the result makes sense. 86% is less than 100%, therefore the result/answer should be less than 117, which it is in this case.
Set up a proportion. 10/86 = x/100. I used 100 because all percentages are out of 100%. Cross multiply and solve for the value of x.
norminv([(1-0.86)/2 1 - (1-0.86)/2], 0, 1) which results in a z-score range of -1.4758 to 1.4758
The related link below will show you how to beat level 86.
level 86
at level 86
The total value of your investment portfolio after tax deductions is the amount remaining after taxes have been subtracted from the post-86 value.
just copy and paste this into the answer box > 73786976294838206464
If you mean: 4x -2 = 86 then the value of x is 22 when solved
Try nada.com
At cooking level 86, or level 81 with cooking gauntlets.