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What is the diameter if the circumference is 2 inches?

C = pi times d

Diameter d = C / pi = 2 iches / 3.14156 = 0.63662 inches

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Q: Whats is the diameter if the circumference is 2 inches?
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If the radius is 2 then the diameter is 2*2 = 4 inches and the circumference is about 12.6 inches and not 15 inches

If the diameter of a circle is 2 inches what is the circumference of the circle?

If the diameter of a circle is 2 inches the circumference is: about 6.283 inches (c = d x pi).

How many inches are a diameter?

The inches in a diameter = 2 X inches in the radius. Or, inches in a diameter = inches in circumference / pi

If 1.75 inches is the diameter what is the circumference?

The diameter is 2r and circumference is 2 pi r, so the diameter is circumference divided by pi. 1.75/3.14159 is 0.557 inches

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The diameter is 2r and circumference is 2 pi r, so the diameter is circumference divided by pi. 1.75/3.14159 is 0.557 inches

What is the diameter if the circumference is 1.75 Inches?

The diameter is 2r and circumference is 2 pi r, so the diameter is circumference divided by pi. 1.75/3.14159 is 0.557 inches

How do you calculate circumference in inches?

Circumference of a circle in inches = 2*radius*pi or diameter*pi Both radius and diameter must be in inches

Circumference of a 10 inch circle?

If its diameter is 10 inches then its circumference is: diameter*pi If its radius is 10 inches then its circumference is: 2*pi*10

How do you find the diameter and radius of a circle with a circumference of 2 inches?

Circumference = pi*diameter 2 = pi*diameter Divide both sides of the equation by pi: 2/pi = diameter diameter = 0.6366197724 inches radius is half of the diameter: radius = 0.3183098862 inches

What is a circumference of a circle with a diameter of 13 in?

Circumference = 2*pi*rr(radius) = diameter/2 = 13 in/2 = 6.5 inch radiusCircumference = 2*pi(6.5 inches)= 41 inches in circumference===================

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Circumference = 2*pi*rr(radius) = diameter/2 = 36 in/2 = 18 inchesCircumference = 2*pi(18 inches)= 113 inches=========

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Circumference of the circle: 4 times pi in inches