flame blaze
its means whats up or hi
If you mean whats it for its for when people give each other loveIf you mean how you do it its
Blaze, Watch Big Pun John Blaze. Means to smoke you out, to smoke weed with you...
i mean with the ps2
whats mean of first impression whats mean of first impression
The saying 'blaze it' is a slang used to command someone to smoke marijuana. It's often said as '420 blaze it' as 4:20 pm is the official time for smokers to get high.
it means people who spend their time on the computer please do not whats to do on it then to be bored i have one. people huh
Blaze is an ability your Pokemon may have at birth. You may mean Blaze Kick. Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape do not learn Blaze Kick through leveling. To get a Chimchar with blaze kick, you would have to breed your female Chimchar with a male Blaziken/Hitmonlee/Lucario/Smergle that already knows blaze kick. The easiest ones would be Blaziken and Hitmonlee since they learn blaze kick while leveling.
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it means people who spend their time on the computer please do not whats to do on it then to be bored i have one. people huh