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Take its length and multiply by its width.

For example:-


Area=length x width


=570 units2.

Answer=The area of the rectangle is 570 units2.


Make sure to use the same units for length and width. The result is measured in units².

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Q: Whats the method for finding the area of a rectangle?
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What are two methods to finding the area of a rectangle?

1 method is to multiply length times the width and the 2 method is to divide the rectangle into triangles and find the area of one of the triangles and multiply the area by two.

What the formula for finding the area of a rectangle?

Area of a rectangle: a = l * w

Formula for finding the area of a rectangle?

A = lw Area of a rectangle = length times width

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L.A.= 2*pi*radius*height its not like finding the area of a rectangle. a cylinder is a 3-D shape and a rectangle is a flat shape

What is the rectangle method in math?

The term "rectangle method" is used in different ways in math, but I will guess that your question is related to finding areas on a Geoboard. A Geoboard has a grid of pegs; you can make outlines of figures by stretching elastic bands around the pegs. If your figure is a triangle, you can find it's area by making the smallest rectangle which will enclose the triangle (The rectangle should have vertical and horizontal sides). The area of the rectangle can be found easily by multiplying the length by the width. The area of the triangle is half of the area of the rectangle.

What is the formula for finding the area of a rectangle?

Area of rectangle is l x b. Where l is length and b is breath of the rectangle.

How is finding the area of a triangle different from finding the area of a rectangle?

the area of a triangle is base times height times one half and rectangle is length times width

Why do people find it difficult in finding area of a rectangle?

in order to find area of rectangle=(len*bred)

What is the formula of finding the area of a rectangle?

base times height = area

How can finding area of a rectangle help you find the area of other shapes?

By finding the total area, you can see if all of the areas of your shapes combined match the total area of the rectangle. It's a safe-check.

How would finding the area of a square be the as finding the area of a rectangle?

Squares are rectangles so the formula for area will stay the same.

What is length multiplied by width?

I beleve that is the formula for finding the area of a rectangle or squareLength*Width equals area for rectangles. LxW=Area of a rectangle.