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Q: When 24 is subtracted from a number it reduces to its four seventh what is the sum of the digits of that number?
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When 24 is subtracted from a number. it reduces to its four -seventh. what is the sum of the digits of that number?


A number consisting of three different digits is subtracted from a number made up of the same digits in reverse order?

Your answer is, depending on the order of your subtraction, either positive or negative 198

What is a unique number?

If a number An consisting of n consecutive digits in ascending order is subtracted from the number An' obtained by reversing the digits of An, then the difference is always a constant. This constant is termed as the 'Unique number' Un as reported by me earlier in. For example, a 3-digit number 345 if subtracted from its reverse 543, yields a difference of 198. Thus U3 = 198. Another 3-digit number, say, 678 if subtracted from its reverse 876 will also yield the same difference, that is, 198. Thus for any number consisting of 3 consecutive digits, the Unique number U3 is always 198. Similarly for a number consisting of 4 consecutive digits, the Unique number U4 = 3087.

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The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.

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No number satisfies all of those conditions.

What can a decrease decimal tool do in excel?

It reduces the number of digits after the decimal point in the display, rounding the number as appropriate.

If the sum of digits of a two digit number is 9 and if 17 is subtracted from the number the digits of the new number are equal what is the number?

18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90? 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55 A-Ha!

What seven digit number is equal to the sum of the seventh exponent of each of its digits?

1,111,111 since 17 = 1

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It is the number of combinations of four numbers where the number of available digits starts at 10 and reduces by 1 each time.

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negative number subtracted FROM a negative number will be negative

What is the difference when zero is subtracted from a number?

The difference is that number.