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Q: When 2 numbers are added it is 34 when the two numbers are subtracted it is 10. What is the number?
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The numbers are 55.5 and 44.5

The difference between two numbers is 32 Marcel added some number to the first number and then subtracted the same number to the second number what wopuld be the difference between the two new?

32 - 2n, if n was added to the smaller of the original two. 32 + 2n, if n was added to the larger of the original two.

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Yes, all vectors can be added or subtracted.

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Yes - if I had an irrational number x, and I added that to the number (7-x), I would end up with 7.If the number is irrational, it can be subtracted from a rational/integer to make another irrational.

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