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30 days

The answer is 28 days. On the 27th day, the monkey has reached 27m. He then climbs 3m on the 28th day and reaches the top.

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Q: When A monkey is at the bottom of a 30 meter walleach day he jumps 3 meters and slips back 2 at that rate when will the monkey reach the top?
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The jumps range in height from 1.40 meters to 1.60 meters. ( 4 feet 7 1/8 inches to 5 feet 3inches)

How long will it take a monkey to reach the top if the monkey is at the bottom of a well ten feet deep and each day he jumps up 3 feet and slips back two?

8 days. I say 10 days. Day 1, jumps 3 feet, slides back 2 feet equals 1 foot up on Day 1. Day 2, jumps 3 feet, slides back 2 feet equals 1 foot up on Day 2, plus 1 from Day 1 = 2 feet. Day 3, jumps 3 feet, slides back 2 feet equals 1 foot up on Day 3, plus 1 from Day 1 and 1 from Day 2 = 3 feet. etc. until Day 10 when his jumps total ten feet up.

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If you are interviewing for a position at Monkey Joe's, you may be asked why you want to work for the company. You should be honest in your answer. Monkey Joe's is a play center with inflatable slides and jumps for kids. Let them know if you like kids and want to work in a fun environment.

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It just says "Congratulations you have completed the game!" and the little monkey jumps up and down, then it gives you your final score. There is no grand finale or anything special.

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28 days..