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Q: When According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics housing represents what percent of the monthly budget of most Americans?
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What are the uses of statistics in social sciences and management fields?

Statistics plays a vital role in every fields of human activity. Statistics has important role in determining the existing position of per capita income, unemployment, population growth rate, housing, schooling medical facilities etc. in a country. Now statistics holds a central position in almost every field like Industry, Commerce, Trade, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, Biology, Botany, Psychology, Astronomy etc., so application of statistics is very wide.

What is importance of statistics to government?

There are several aspects.A government is meant to look after the population of the region that it governs. It therefore needs to know how many people there are: how many children who need schooling, how many babies who will need schooling later, how many people of working age who (potentially) will create the wealth of the nation, how many elderly people who are likely to require more medical support, how many households who will want housing, energy and food.It is also necessary to try to manage the economy and for this a whole array of statistics are required. Governments need to decide between alternatives and statistics are a useful tool for building mathematical (or econometric) models which can forecast what might happen in a range of scenarios. Political judgement is the used to decide on the options. Statistics can then be used to monitor the outcome so as to ascertain whether things are going according to plan.

Why is it a bad idea to make the compass housing out of iron?

Iron is magnetic

What can you do if your housing complex does not allow multiple dishes be attahced to a single unit?

get cable

What was the price housing in 1948?

Though housing prices are highly dependent on many factors such as geographical region, proximity to services, size of house, features of house, etc., the approximate cost of a house in 1948 was about $13,500.

Related questions

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics housing represents what percent of the monthly budget of most Americans?


Housing represents what percent of the monthly budget of most Americans?

65 percent

When did the bureau of labor statistics start collecting housing statistics?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics started collecting housing statistics in the early 1970s as part of the Consumer Expenditure Survey. This survey includes information on household expenditures, income, and demographic characteristics related to housing.

Where can you find statistics on section 8 housing and its relation to crime rates?

Check with you local Housing Authority there.

What has the author Carita Putkonen written?

Carita Putkonen has written: 'Luotettavuustutkimus' -- subject(s): Housing, Population, Statistics, Vital Statistics

What has the author Michihiko Ueda written?

Michihiko. Ueda has written: 'The outlook for housing in Japan to the year 2000' -- subject(s): Housing, Statistics

What has the author Claude Taffin written?

Claude Taffin has written: 'Le patrimoine de logements en 1978' -- subject(s): Housing, Statistics 'Le patrimoine de logements en 1984' -- subject(s): Housing, Statistics

What has the author David W Sheatsly written?

David W. Sheatsly has written: 'Taking stock' -- subject(s): Housing, Housing surveys, Statistics

What has the author Robert William Swanson written?

Robert William Swanson has written: 'AFDC housing costs in Michigan' -- subject(s): Costs, Housing, Public housing, Statistics, Welfare recipients

What has the author Ronald Everett Kampe written?

Ronald Everett Kampe has written: 'Rural and urban housing, 1930-80' -- subject(s): History, Housing, Home ownership 'Household income-how it relates to substandard housing in rural and farmers home administration areas, by State and race, 1970' -- subject(s): Housing, Poor, African Americans 'Underemployment estimates by county, United States, 1960' -- subject(s): Statistics, Income, Unemployed, Underemployment

What has the author Linda S Beskow written?

Linda S. Beskow has written: 'Springfield's housing' -- subject(s): Census, 1970, Housing, Population, Statistics

What type of housing did the Native Americans have?

they lived in wigwams, long houses, pit housing , and teepees