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Q: When Compare and contrast Euclidean geometry and spherical geometry. Be sure to include these points 1. Describe the role of the Parallel Postulate in spherical geometry. 2. How are triangles differen?
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How do you describe 3D shape sphere?

Spherical, ffs............

What are some adjectives that describe right triangles?

Well you can describe it with its shape like maybe its angles.

Describe the world in spatial terms?

Spherical, or more technically, an oblate spheroid.

Which two words describe all equiangular triangles?

equilateral and similar

What is the mathematical basis of fractals?

A fractal is a geometric shape that when zoomed in on, will look approximately the same as it did before. Fractal geometry is a more complex version of regular Euclidean geometry. Euclidean geometry included just circles, squares, triangles, hexagons, octagons and all other regular shapes. Fractal geometry is the study of fractals and all of its components. Fractal geometry, out of all of its other uses, is mainly used to describe every other shape possible that isn’t classified into regular Euclidean geometry. Although not many people know what a fractal is, they encounter them on a regular basis and fractals have many uses all of which are extremely overlooked by many people.

Vincent drew a line from one coner of a rectangle to another corner to make 2 triangles describe the 2 triangles he made?

Inscribed triangles in a rectangle are identical right triangles but they are rotated 180 relative to each other.

Why are triangles used in the food pyrmaid?

The triangles are used to describe specific food groups and how many servings of each group are needed daily.

What is 3 related words to triangle?

Words that have to do with triangles: Triangular is one that comes to mind.Words that describe types of triangles: Equilateral, Isosceles, Scalene.

How do you use geomitry words to describe how to join triangles to make quadrilaterals?

Any 2 congruent triangles joined together will form a 4 sided quadrilateral

How do you describe triangles?

Triangles are shapes with the following:* three (3) sides * three (3) angles * the sum of 180oSpiritual Health, Physical Health, and Emotional Health.

How do you describe a lysosome?

Spherical organelles that contain enzymes .. Best answer I've uncovers so far sorry :-/

What is the function of trigonometry?

Trigonometry is the study of the relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles and with the trigonometric functions, which describe those relationships.