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Q: When Franklin drew his cartoon many people mistakenly believed that if a snake were cut into pieces the pieces could weave themselves back together?
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In 1754 Benjamin Franklin proposed an idea known as the Albany Plan of Union. Franklin was attempting?

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In 1754 Benjamin Franklin proposed an idea known as the Albany Plan of Union. Franklin was attempting to?

to get the colonies to unite together in order to defend themselves.

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The Declaration of Independence was written by Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Jefferson?

Well actaully Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin did it together and also John Adams helped. So Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, And John Adams Worked Together With The Declaration of Independence.

While signing the declaration Hancock said you must all hang together what was Franklin's answer?

franklin's answer was "or most assuredly we will hang seperate" but i am pretty sure he said that they must hang together also.

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"[They] hold themselves together; restrain themselves; contain themselves"

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no he did not

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It is generally believed that gravity holds the universe together.

Who said you must all hang together or you shall all hang?

Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin said it. However the exact quote is "We must all hang together, gentlemen, else, we shall most assuredly hang separately." He said this at the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

What year did Benjamin Franklin invent the Franklin battery?

1750, Franklin coined the word battery for any number of capacitors (used to store electricity) wired together. From the term "gun battery"