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Q: When The figures in neoclassical painting were largely?
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The figures in neoclassical paintings were largely?

The figures in Neoclassical paintings were largely:A.gritty and realistic.B.calm and simple.C.wealthy and powerful.D.emotional and stylistic.calm and simple

What is a true statement about neoclassical painting as seen in Jacques- Louis oath of the horatii?

Neoclassical painting as seen in Jacques-Louis David's Oath of the Horatii inspired patriotism and taught moral values.

What is a true statement about Neoclassical painting?

It inspired patriotism and taught moral values.

What idea did the halos on the heads of the figures in the painting convey?

The halos on the heads of the figures in the painting conveyed a sense of divinity or holiness.

What is a true statement about Neoclassical painting as seen in Jacques-Louis David's Oath of the Horatii?

The Tuscan columns are a neoclassical characteristic that can be seen in artist Jacques-Louis David's Oath of the Horatii. The clothing worn is also slightly classical.

Look at this painting by Jacques-Louis David. Which feature makes this a Neoclassical work?

the use of ancient greek subject matter

What is the definition of a representational painting?

depicting objects, figures,or scenes as seen as a painting

Look at this painting from Hogarth's series A Rake's Progress. The purpose of this painting is largely?


What painting styles preceded Impressionism?

The period that came before Impressionism is Realism which was preceded by Romanticism and Neoclassical before that.

Is Picasso's women with blue veil abstract?

Picasso's Woman With Blue Veil painting is not abstract. It is actually in a neoclassical style. His painting of women are normally of women he met or knew in real life.

What is a neoclassical?

a neoclassical symphony is a symphony from the neoclassical era between romantic and 20c music.

What is a neoclassical symphony?

a neoclassical symphony is a symphony from the neoclassical era between romantic and 20c music.