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Q: When Wilson disappears for three hours where do you guess he might have gone?
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Why is an estimate not a guess?

A guess is less accurate than an estimate. If someone were to ask how long ot would take to drive car from the East cost of America to the West coast you might guess 3 days - based on your "gut" feel with no data to support your answer. A estimate would take more time you might follow these steps: It is about 3000 km coast to coast. At 100 km/he that would take 30 hours of driving. But you can't drive for more than 10 hours a day, so that is more like 30x24/10 = 72 hours. Then you can't go 100 km/hr all the way what with back roads and towns and mountains so add another 30 hours or so that's almost 100 hours. Your estimate would be 4 days. The estimate might not be absolutely correct, it is however defensible.

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well it takes about three hours to get to columbus so my guess is around wheeling somewhere, maybe further. you might even make it to pittsburgh

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It depends where you get your food. I guess in most places, the drive-through is open 24 hours.

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A prediction is a guess. When you hear that the story is about a girl that runs away and lives with wolves, you might guess that this is not going to be easy. You might guess that she may be harmed by the wolves. No prediction is wrong. It is just your best guess.

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I guess it might be *POOP*

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I guess a bird might.

How many hours in 5 kilometer's?

This problem does not have an answer. This is because a kilometer is a unit of distance and an hour is a unit of time. You might mean "How many hours does it take to walk 5 km?" , however that is just a guess of what you may mean, but from your question I can only say that it does not have an answer/solution.

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it is a hypothesis