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Q: When Winnie went fishing with miles she kills a mecteo but why does she ask miles to let the trout go?
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When Winnie goes fishing with Miles she kills a mosquito but asks Miles to let the trout go free. Why would she do that?

she rememberd she once killed a wasp, to avoid a sting/bite, she regretted it when she did. she doesn't want to watch the trout die

What memory does miles have when he goes fishing with Winnie in Tuck Everlasting?

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How does Winnie talk with miles when they go fishing relate to her earlier talk with angus.?

they both talk about how it feels to live forever

Why does Winnie ask miles about his family?

Miles invited Winnie to come catch fish for breakfast for them to eat

What kills dolphins the most?

Tuna nets, which can sometimes stretch for miles. The threat to dolphins is highest in the Pacific. Indiscriminate mass fishing kills massive amounts of marine life every year, but the no. 1 dolphin killer is tuna nets.

How far is Winnie TX from Houston TX?

Winnie is 60.74 miles east of Houston according to MapQuest.

In tuck everlasting how does Winnie feel about miles taking her fishing on the pond?

they both talk about how it feels to live forever

How far is Winnie TX. from the gulf of Mexico?

15 miles

Tuck Everlasting When Winnie goes fishing with Miles she kills a mosquito but asks Miles to let the trout go free Why would she do that?

She asks him to put the fish back in the water because she cannot bear to see it die.

What are the characters of Tuck Everlasting?

Angus Tuck,Mae Tuck,Miles,Jesse,Winnie,the man in the yellow suit and Winnie's parents

Why could'nt anybody know about the spring in Tuck Everlasting?

because then everybody would drink it and the cycle of life would stop. also then nobody would ever die and the earth would get filled up. miles said this to Winnie while they were fishing