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The answer depends on what a is and on what element the slider changes.

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Q: When a 0 and you move the slider for k does this change the graph any?
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You can use a distance versus time graph to analyze the motion of an accelerating object?

The slope at any point is the velocity, so you can construct a graph of that. The slope at any point on that graph is the acceleration. So you can construct a graph of that. The slope at any point on that is the rate of change of acceleration. And so on.

Can't change the volume on 32GB IPod Touch When using the volume bar it goes back to what it was before Any help?

Yes you can Play any song and use the volume slider to change the volume.

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To find acceleration from a speed-time graph, you need to calculate the slope of the speed-time graph. The slope at any point on the speed-time graph represents the acceleration at that specific time. If the speed-time graph is linear, then the acceleration will be constant. If the speed-time graph is curved, you can find the acceleration by calculating the slope of the tangent line at a specific point.

How do you graph a circle on a graphing calculator?

change it to polar mode and then plot r = any constant

How do you find slope on a distance vs. time graph?

To find the slope on a distance vs. time graph, you calculate the change in distance divided by the change in time between two specific points on the graph. The slope represents the speed or velocity of an object. A steeper slope indicates a greater speed.

How would the graph change of the motion changed?

If the motion changes, the graph might show a different shape, slope, or position. For example, if the speed increases, the graph might show a steeper slope. If the direction of motion changes, the graph might show negative values or a curve. Any variation in the motion will be reflected in the graph.

If you have a motion graph for an object that shows distance and time. how does the slope of the graph relate to the object's speed?

The slope of the motion graph represents the object's speed. A steeper slope indicates a faster speed, while a shallower slope indicates a slower speed. Specifically, the slope is calculated as the change in distance divided by the change in time, which gives you the speed of the object at any given point on the graph.

What is the slope of a graph that is parallel to the y-axis?

The slope is (change in 'y' produced by a change in 'x') divided by (change in 'x' that produces it). The slope of any horizontal line on the graph is zero because the value of 'y' is the same everywhere on the line. No matter how much you change 'x' along the line, 'y' never changes.

What must be true about the average rate of change between any two points on the graph of an increasing function?

if a function is increasing, the average change of rate between any two points must be positive.

Is there a shortcut for turning down volume besides Fn Volume down?

Some computers will have a slider built into the laptop/desktop computer that you can slide to change the volume, but other than FN, there's not really any shortcut besides manually changing the volume by clicking and dragging the slider.

What is A graph that can be drawn without any breaks?

A continuous graph.

What variables are shows on the graph?

Any variables can be shown on a graph.