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Q: When a blood ask what is what if your math what do you say back?
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When a Blood ask you who you be what do you say?

when another blood ask another blood who u be, u have to say your set. for example if u blood your OG will give u your work to do so that u could know what to say to a blood gang.

What is ask Dr Math?

It is a question and answer service for math students and math teachers. Here is a link to the history of the site. I want to say I HIGHLY recommend ask dr math for help with any level of math problems, however, don't forget about We will answer them too!

Is yugioh math?

yes yugioh is math it includes adding, subtracting, multiplying and, even dividing if you ask me i would say it is one of the best math games plus it teaches you a lot of things

What did the math teacher say when he came back from the north pole?

It's 2 cold there

Do you say in math or on math?

In math best

How do you get my friend back?

Say your sorry and its your fault and ask for forgiveness

What do you say back if a girl ask you what are you doing?

Tell her what you are doing.

Does this boy in my class like me He stares at me in math and randomly says hi Also after the weekend of Thanksgiving he asked me if I said hi to the family for him we aren't even going out?

he might do, and if you like him back ask him out and if he says no just say it was your friend :)

How do you know dog age?

Ask the dog what year it was born in, (and if you want to be really accurate the month and date) then, as the Americans say, do the math?

What do you say to a girl you like and don't know if she likes you back when you want to ask her out?

you ask her and give the relationship a chance.

What do you do if your friend tells the guy you like you like them and they say they like you back but they won't ask you out?

get them into the situation or topic for them to ask you out

What to say if you want to ask you ex back out?

If you want to ask your ex back out you should just bring up the past times you spent together and ask him/her if they'd like to experience that pleasure again.