237 is a COMPOSITE number. Since it is divided by 3 and gives a quotient of 79 (which is a prime factor of 237) and remainder as 0.
If the number is divisible by any number and the quotient comes out to a whole number, then that number is composite. The number is prime when divided by a number, the answer is a decimal, then the number is prime. A prime number has exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself. Any number having more factors is a composite number.
Composite - A prime number can only be divided by 1 or the number itself - for example 3. A composite number can be divided by numbers other than 1 or the number itself - In the case of 10 it can be divided by 2 and 5 and is therefore a composite number.
The number 3635 is not a prime number as it can be divided by 5
This is false. As an example, 4/2=2. Two is a prime number.
Not always as for example 32/4 = 8
We can't say anything about it until we know the number,it can be prime or composite.
237 is a COMPOSITE number. Since it is divided by 3 and gives a quotient of 79 (which is a prime factor of 237) and remainder as 0.
If the number is divisible by any number and the quotient comes out to a whole number, then that number is composite. The number is prime when divided by a number, the answer is a decimal, then the number is prime. A prime number has exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself. Any number having more factors is a composite number.
No. 16 divided by 4 is 4 All are composite.
Yes. For example, 12 / 6 = 2.
Any number that can be divided by any prime number smaller than itself is a composite number. 948 is a composite number because it can be divided by the prime numbers 2, 3, and 79.
composite as it can be divided by 2
composite because 3 and 5 will go into it
Composite - A prime number can only be divided by 1 or the number itself - for example 3. A composite number can be divided by numbers other than 1 or the number itself - In the case of 10 it can be divided by 2 and 5 and is therefore a composite number.
0 is neither a prime or a composite number. It can not be divided by any number, so it would be difficult to classify it as prime or composite. 0 and 1 are the only numbers that are not prime and are not composite.
3179 is not a prime number; it is a composite number. A prime is a number that can only be divided by itself and 1. In this case, 3179 is divisible by 11; hence, a composite number, not a prime number.