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Q: When a number is added to its additive inverse what is the sum equals to?
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What is the additive inverse of -75?

The additive inverse of a number is a number, when added to the original number, equals 0. Here, that number would be 75.

When a number is added to its additive inverse what is the sum equal to?

Number + additive inverse of number = 0, by definition (the additive inverse of a number is that number, which when added to the original number, results in a sum of 0) Number + additive inverse of number = 0, by definition (the additive inverse of a number is that number, which when added to the original number, results in a sum of 0)

What is a example of addition inverses in math?

The additive inverse of a real number is the number that when added to it equals zero, the identity element for addition. That is, the additive inverse of any real number x is -x.

Additive inverse of a number?

The additive inverse of a number is that which when added to the number gives 0. If n is a number then the additive inverse of it (-n) is that number such that: n + -n = 0 For example, the additive inverse of '4' is '-4'.

What is the additive inverse of 35?

-35 The additive inverse of a number is the number that will equal 0 when added to the original number so the additive inverse of 3 is -3 the additive inverse of 782 is -782 etc.

What is the name of the number that when added to another equals 1?

There is a complement that when added equals one but you may be thinking of multiplying. A number times its reciprocal (multiplicative inverse) is equal to one. A number added to its additive inverse (opposite) is equal to zero.

When the number is added to its additive inverse what is the sum equal to?

It is zero, by definition of additive inverse!

What does mean additive inverses?

The additive inverse of a number is the negative of that number. Given one number, its additive inverse is the number that needs to be added to it so that the sum is zero. Thus: The additive inverse of 2.5 is -2.5 The additive inverse of -7.998 is 7.998

What is the additive inverse of a number?

The additive inverse of x is -x It is the number that, when added to the original, gives a sum equal to zero.

What is the additive inverse of -327?

Additive inverse is a number that when added to a given number results in a sum of 0. So the additive inverse of -327 is 327. -327 + 327 = 0

What is the additive inverse of a negative number?

Additive Inverse would be the number that when added to a given number creates a total of zero. The additive inverse for any negative number would be the positive counterpart. The additive inverse of -5 is 5. The additive inverse of -2 is 2, since -2 + 2 = 0.

Will additive inverse always equal 0?

When a number is added to its additive inverse, the result is always 0.