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Using Pythagoras' theorem it is 20 feet

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Q: When a painter leans a 29 foot ladder so that the base of the ladder is 21 feet from the wall. What is the height at which the top of the ladder touches the wall?
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If A painter leans a 34ft ladder against a building The base of the ladder is 16ft from the building To the nearest foot how high on the building does the ladder reach?

30 feet. And you don't have to round it to the nearest foot. It's exactly 30 feet.

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Assuming the wall is vertical, the wall, the ground and the ladder form an isosceles right-angled triangle. Pythagoras tells us that the square of the length of the ladder, in this case 225 equals the sum of the squares of the other two lengths, ie the height where the ladder touches the wall and the bottom of the ladder's distance from the wall. As these distances are equal in an isosceles triangle each must be the square root of (225/2) ie sqrt 112.5 which is 10.6066, as near as makes no difference to 10 ft 71/4 inches

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10.9 [11]

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It leans slightly by 230 millimetres or 9.1inches over a 55 m height

A ladder that leans against a building makes an angle of 49 degree with the ground and reaches a point on the building 12m above the ground Find the length of the ladder to the nearest meter?

The ladder forms a right angle with the building: the ground and the building forming the right angle and the ladder forming the hypotenuse. If the length of the ladder is L metres, then sin(49) = 12/L So L = 12/sin(49) = 15.9 = 16 metres.

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A ladder 3m long leans against a wall reaches 2m up the wall What is the distance between the bottom of the ladder and the wall?

If you are asking, what's the distance (x) from the bottom of the ladder to the wall, then... x squared + 2 squared = 3 squared x squared + 4 = 9 x squared = 5 x = the square root of 5, or approx 2.24 m

5m ladder leans against a house it is 3 m from the base of the wall how high does that ladder reach?