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Q: When a pair of variables have a positive correlation will the slope in the regression equation always be positive?
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What is positive Correlation?

Positive correlation is a relationship between two variables in which both variables move in tandem that is in the same direction.

What does it mean when two variables have a positive correlation?

A positive correlation between two variables means that there is a direct correlation between the variables. As one variable increases, the other variable will also increase.

What are the three different types of correlation?

The three different types of correlation are positive correlation (both variables move in the same direction), negative correlation (variables move in opposite directions), and no correlation (variables show no relationship).

When doing linear regression if the correlation coefficient is positive the slope of the line is negative?


Can A regression equation have a negative coefficient of correlation and a negative coefficient of determination?

It's not quite possible for the coefficient of determination to be negative at all, because of its definition as r2 (coefficient of correlation squared). The coefficient of determination is useful since tells us how accurate the regression line's predictions will be but it cannot tell us which direction the line is going since it will always be a positive quantity even if the correlation is negative. On the other hand, r (the coefficient of correlation) gives the strength and direction of the correlation but says nothing about the regression line equation. Both r and r2 are found similarly but they are typically used to tell us different things.

When the variables in a correlation change simultaneously in the same direction?

When variables in a correlation change simultaneously in the same direction, this indicates a positive correlation. This means that as one variable increases, the other variable also tends to increase. Positive correlations are typically represented by a correlation coefficient that is greater than zero.

What is the implication of any correlation found between the variables?

Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.

What is the strongest a correlation could be?

Either +1 (strongest possible positive correlation between the variables) or -1 (strongest possible negativecorrelation between the variables).

What does it mean if two variables have a positive correlation?

If the correlation is positive, as one increases so does the other.

What shows a correlation which may be positive or negative between two sets of data?

I believe you are asking how to identify a positive or negative correlation between two variables, for which you have data. I'll call these variables x and y. Of course, you can always calculate the correlation coefficient, but you can see the correlation from a graph. An x-y graph that shows a positive trend (slope positive) indicates a positive correlation. An x-y graph that shows a negative trend (slope negative) indicates a negative correlation.

The random error in a regression equation?

includes both positive and negative terms.

Difference between positive and negative correlation?

If the two variables increase together and decrease together AND in a linear fashion, the correlation is positive. If one increases when the other decreases, again, in a linear fashion, the correlation is negative.