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The (x,y) points can be approximated by a linear equation.

The (x,y) points are almost linearly related.

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Q: When a scatter plot's x y points are all pretty close to the line of best fit then how would you describe the relationship between the points?
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Related questions

What is a graph with points plotted to show a possible relationship between two sets of data?

A scatter plot

Which of the following is observed in a scatter plot when there is an inverse relationship between x and y?

Points slope down as it moves to the right

What is A line drawn in the midst of the points on a scatter plot in an attempt to estimate the mathematical relationship between the variables of the plot?

It is called the line of best fit

Which type of chart shows the pattern or relationships between sets of data points?

A scatter plot.A scatter plot.A scatter plot.A scatter plot.

What is a scatter plot and what kind of relationship does it show?

a graph in which the values of two variables are plotted along two axes, the pattern of the resulting points revealing any correlation present. Scatter plots are similar to line graphs in that they use horizontal and vertical axes to plot data points. However, they have a very specific purpose. Scatter plots show how much one variable is affected by another. The relationship between two variables is called their correlation .

Is it possible to make a prediction based in a scatter plot with no correlation?

No, it is not possible to make accurate predictions based on a scatter plot with no correlation. A scatter plot with no correlation means that the data points are randomly scattered and do not follow any specific pattern or trend. Without a correlation, it is difficult to establish a relationship between the variables and make reliable predictions.

How can you use a graph to show the relationship between two quantitles that vary directly?

A scatter plot will show the data points on a straight line through the origin, whose slope is the constant of proportionality.

A general pattern of a scatter plot?

There is no such thing as a general pattern. Depending on the variables and the relationship between them, you can have points all over the plot, exactly on a straight line or a curve, or close to such a line or curve.

What does a scatter plot graph show?

It can showwhether or not there is any relationship between two variables,the nature of the relationship - linear, quadratic, inverse, power etc,precision of relationship: the spread or scatter around the curve of best fit,whether the scatter is constant or changes (heteroscedasticity),presence of outliers,clustering (eg heights v/s weight of adults may show one cluster of points for men and another for women. If so, gender is another relevant variable).

What is a collection of points with no end points?

a scatter graph

Is it true in a perfect relationship all point of a scatter plot fall on a line?

Yes if all points are on the same line of best fit

What does a scatter plot with negative linear relationship look like?

A straight line of points going from top left towards bottom right.