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A die, many dice.

So when you say a six-sided dice, do you mean six-sided dice, and if so, how many of them?

Or, do you mean only one six-sided die? In that case, assuming the ide is fair, the answer is 1/6.

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Q: When a six-sided dice is thrown what is the probability of getting a 1?
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5 of 36. That's about 14% if you round up.

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The probability of getting a 2 or 12 on two dice is 2 in 36, or 1 in 18.

If two dice are thrown what is the probability that some of digits is ten?

None of the digits can be 10, so the probability is 0.

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1/6 A dice has six faces. And '2' is on one if its faces. So the probability of getting a 2 on a dice is 1 over 6.

When A pair of fair dice is thrown. What is the probability of that the sum of the numbers on the dice will be odd or greater than 9?

It is 11/18.