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It is called a variable fraction.

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Q: When a variable appears in the denominator of one or more term is called?
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When a variable appears in the denominator of one or more terms it is called equation?

Only if it has an equality sign otherwise it is an expression.

When avariable appears in the denominator of one or more terms it is called?

It is a variable fraction. The exact nature will depend on the form in which the variable appears:as part of an algebraic, trigonometric, etc function. In some cases the fraction will have a name, in others it will not.

When a variable appears in the denominator of one or more terms of an equation?

It is a variable fraction. The exact nature will depend on the form in which the variable appears:as part of an algebraic, trigonometric, etc function. In some cases the fraction will have a name, in others it will not.

When a variable appears in the denominator of one or more term of an equation?

It can. And does, for example, in the hyperbolic trigonometric functions. It can make the solution harder but there is no law that says that solutions must be easy!

When two or more fractions have the same denominator it is called what?

Common denominator

What is it called when The denominator is a common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions?

the least common denominator

How do you get the LCD of a variable?

It is not possible to give a sensible answer to this question. The least common denominator (LCD) refers to a multiple that is COMMON to two or more numbers. You have only one variable in the question - so there can be no answer.

What is is an equation with more than one variable called?

Simultaneous equation* * * * *No, simultaneous equations are two or more equations that have all to be true at the same time (simultaneously) for the solution.An equation with more than one variable is a multivariate equaion.Area = 0.5*Length*Height or a = 0.5*l*h for the area of a triangle has more than one variables, but it is certainly not simultaneous.An equation with a variable is called a single variable equation. An equation that has more than one variable is called as a multi-variable equation. A polynomial equation has one variable in different powers: a common example is quadratic equations.

Why do you need pivoting in maths?

You are given a system of n or more simultaneous linear equations involving n unknowns. Pick one of the unknowns, called the pivot variable. Find an equation in which it appears, called the pivot equation.

What is common denominator of two or more multiples is called a?

common multiple

What is an expression that may include monomials binomials and more and That has no limit to the number of terms. However the variable if applicable CANNOT appear in the denominator of a fraction.?

A polynomial.

What is the term for an equation with more than variable?

An equation with more than one variable is called a multivariate equation.