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40000 feet = 7.6 miles

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Q: When an airplane is flying 40000 feet above sea level how many miles high is it?
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When an airplane is flying straight and level what can be said about the forces on an airplane?

the forces are equal to balance the aircraft in flight

Why an airplane flying from New York to Los Angeles has both kinetic energy and potential energy?

An airplane flying from New York to Los Angeles has kinetic energy because of its movement through the air, while it also possesses potential energy due to its elevation above the ground. The kinetic energy comes from the plane's motion, while the potential energy arises from its altitude in the Earth's gravitational field.

When a pilot mentions that a plane is at an altitude of 34000 feet is that above sea level or above the ground for example 44000 ft above sea level if flying over a mountain range 10000 feet high?

Most likely, neither. When an airplane is flying above FL 180 (18,000 feet above sea level, or 18,000 MSL) in the United States, the altimeter readings are read out based on 'pressure altitude'.Normally altitude is determined by an instrument (altimeter) that utilizes the barometric readings reported at ground reporting stations over which you are flying. However, when cruising at or above FL180, pilots use 'pressure altitude', where the altimeter is set to use 29.92 inches Hg as the barometric pressure for readings. This helps to prevent having to change the instrument settings continuously to match the ground stations, and ensures that pilots flying at these higher altitudes all have the same reference setting for height.

How high above sea level is an airplane while in flight?

As high as it says on the altimeter. It changes constantly while in flight.

What is airplane flying level?

Airplanes fly at different levels according to their size and noise. Smaller planes fly at the troposphere. Bigger airplanes fly on the stratosphere.

What does altitud?

Altitude shows the height from earth. when Aeroplanes flying in the sky, Pilot announces we are flying at an altitude of 30,000 feet.Altitude is your height above sea level.

What does altitude mean?

Altitude shows the height from earth. when Aeroplanes flying in the sky, Pilot announces we are flying at an altitude of 30,000 feet.Altitude is your height above sea level.

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how hard is it to make your own flying model airplanes from a kit?

Building a flying model airplane from a kit is hard for some people but it really depends on your skill level and experince. Using a kit does help beginers because it comes with directions and pre-made parts.

What is the average price for aviation school?

Aviation school are expensive. It cost depends on what level you are starting from ant what type of plane you wish to learn to fly, or what type of commercial flying licence you wish to get . The basic fees can be higher than $40000/- for program.

What is the abbreviation for 'altitude'?

Alt Sometimes, pilots refer to AGL which stands for "Above Ground Level". This is the distance from the ground to the airplane. If the plane flys at a level pressure altitude, this distance can change with the terrain.

What is the minimum flying height of a jumbo jet?

To the best of my knowledge, the minimum flying height of a jumbo jet is 1,000 feet AGL (above ground level). However, above cities or strategic objects, the minimum height may be different - these restrictions can be found in airspace maps.