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Q: When an atom has one or more extra blank it will have a blank charge?
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When an atom has one or more extra electrons it will have a positive charge?

Actually, when an atom gains extra electrons, it becomes negatively charged. An atom with more electrons than protons will have a negative overall charge.

What is the charge of an atom with one electron more than protons?

The atom would have a negative charge. The charge would be equal to the number of extra electrons, so an atom with one more electron than protons would have a charge of -1.

What causes an atom to have a negative charge?

An atom can be negatively charged if it has an extra electron.An atom can be negatively charged if it has an extra electron.An atom can be negatively charged if it has an extra electron.An atom can be negatively charged if it has an extra electron.

An atom with an additional election has what kind of charge?

An atom with an additional electron has a negative charge. By gaining an electron, the atom has more negatively charged particles (electrons) than positively charged particles (protons), resulting in an overall negative charge.

If an atom has 18 protons 15 neutrons and 22 electrons what is the atoms electrical charge?

If an atom has 15 protons 12 neutrons and 16 electrons, the neutrons have absolutely nothing to do with the electrical charge. Having one more electron than protons would determine the electrical charge of the atom. The atom would have a charge of -1. The extra electron would give it a negative charge.

Why does an atom become a positive ion when it loses an electrons?

Electrons have negative charge. So when electrons is lost from an atom, the atom gets positive charge.

How does an atom becomes Negatively charged?

An atom becomes negatively charged when it gains an extra electron. This extra negatively charged electron causes an imbalance in the atom's normal state, giving it an overall negative charge.

What do you call an atom that has more or less protons than electrons?

When an atom has missing or extra electrons, it is called an ion. When an atom has missing or extra neutrons, it is called an isotope. Atoms can have missing or extra protons, but I do not believe that there is a specific name for that type of atom, or at least to my knowledge.

Can oxygen have a negative charge?

Oxygen can have a negative charge when it gains an extra electron, forming an oxide ion (O2-). This extra electron gives the oxygen atom a negative charge, making it more stable by achieving a full outer electron shell.

What is total charge of an atom?

Short Answer:The total charge of an atom is the number of protons in the nucleus, minus the number of electrons around the nucleus. Normally, atoms have as many protons as electrons and the atom is neutral, otherwise, it is a negative ion with a charge of -1, -2, etc if it has extra electrons or +1, +2 etc if it is missing electrons and is a positive ion.Explanation:Atoms have a positively charged nucleus and a collection of negatively charged electrons around the nucleus. Because each proton in the nucleus has a positive charge of exactly the same size as the negative charge of an electron, when the normal atom has as many electrons as protons, the total charge of the atom is zero. It is a neutral atom.If there is one more electron than than the number of protons, there is a net negative charge of -1. If the atom is missing an electron, the total charge is +1.If an atom has one or more extra electrons, we say it is a negative ion and the total charge of the ion is -1 or -2 or "-" the number of extra electrons.If an atom is one or more electrons, we say it is a positive ion and the total charge of the ion is +1 or +2 or "+" the number of missing electrons, i.e. the excess number of protons.Total Charge = (number of protons) - (number of electrons).

What is is an atom with an electric charge?

An atom with an electric charge is called an ion. An ion is the result of an imbalance in the number of protons and electrons. If there is more protons than electrons then your atom will have a positive charge. If more electons then it will have a negative charge.

Will an atom have a negative charge if it has more protons than nuetrons?

No, an atom will have a positive charge if it has more protons than neutrons because protons carry a positive charge while neutrons are neutral. The overall charge of an atom is determined by the balance of protons (positive charge) and electrons (negative charge).