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Q: When an electroscope is charged the leaves rise to a certain angle and remain at that angle why don't they rise?
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What happens to the leaves of an electroscope that is not charged?

If an electroscope is not charged, its leaves will remain in a neutral position, hanging straight down. This is because there is no excess charge to cause the leaves to repel each other and spread apart.

What happens to the leaves of an electroscope that and not charged?

If the electroscope is not charged, the leaves will remain in their neutral state, hanging down vertically due to gravity. When a charge is introduced, the leaves will either repel or attract each other, depending on the type and amount of charge applied.

How can a leaf electroscope be used to test the insulating properties of a given material?

To test the insulating properties of a material using a leaf electroscope, first charge the electroscope by bringing a charged object close to it. Then, place the material to be tested on the electroscope's terminal. If the leaves of the electroscope remain separated, the material is insulating as it does not allow the charge to flow through it. If the leaves collapse, the material is conducting.

How gold leaf electroscope to identify conductors and insulators?

In a gold leaf electroscope, when a charged object is brought close to the electroscope, the gold leaves will either diverge (for conductors) or remain closed (for insulators). Conductors allow charge to flow easily, causing the leaves to repel each other due to the like charges. Insulators do not allow charge to flow, so the leaves do not diverge as there is no movement of charge.

What happens when an uncharged body is brought in contact with electroscope?

When an uncharged body is brought in contact with an electroscope, the electroscope will remain unchanged as there is no transfer of charge. The electroscope will continue to show no deflection of the indicator due to the absence of any charge transfer.

Why a charged electroscope will discharged when placed near a radioactive material?

1. Electroscopes can be used to detect electronic charges and when a electroscope is given negative charges they repel each other and spread apart. They will remain apart until their electrons have somewhere to go and it combines with positive charges. When nuclear radiation is moving through the air it can remove electrons from some molecules In the air and cause other molecules in the air to gain electrons. - B0N3S

What kind of charge the electroscope can detect?

The electroscope can detect the presence of electric charge. It can indicate whether an object is positively charged, negatively charged, or neutral based on the movement of the leaves or indicator in response to bringing a charged object nearby.

Describe why a charged electroscope will discharge when placed near a radioactive material?

A charged electroscope will discharge when placed near a radioactive material because the radioactive emissions can ionize the air around the electroscope. This ionization allows charges to move more easily between the electroscope and the surrounding air, causing the charge to dissipate and the electroscope to lose its charge.

If one body is positively charged and another one is negatively charged free electrons tend to?

Remain in the positively charged body.

How can a inductor remain charged?

It will not remain "charged" for long. The speed of collapse of the magnetic field is related to the inductance, in Henries. A (physically) large inductor will retain energy for longer. (note that there is no "charge")

What are diciduous trees?

Deciduous trees are trees that shed their leaves seasonally. During a certain part of the year every year. They loose all of their leaves during the cold or dry season and, depending on the climate, remain bare till spring time.

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