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In theory, the answer is "an infinite number". In practice, light will be deflected away from the theoretical by small defects in the mirror and the glass in front of the mirror, as well as absorbed. These will reduce the number of images.

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Q: When an object is placed between two mirror placed parallel to each other how many images will be formed?
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How many images of a candle will be formed if it is placed between parallel plane mirrors separated by 40 cm?

in my opinion only 2 images will be formed because the mirror is parallel and the candle between the mirror will stop the reflection.

Can you Describe the images formed in a concave mirror?

In a concave mirror, images can be real or virtual depending on the object's position relative to the mirror. Real images are formed when the object is located beyond the mirror's focal point, while virtual images are formed when the object is located between the mirror and its focal point. Real images are inverted and can be projected onto a screen, while virtual images are upright and cannot be projected.

How are images formed on a concave mirror?

Images formed on a concave mirror are formed due to the reflection of light rays. When an object is placed beyond the focal point of a concave mirror, a real and inverted image is formed. When the object is placed between the focal point and the mirror, a virtual and upright image is formed.

What type pf images can a concave mirror form?

A concave mirror can form real images or virtual images depending on the object position relative to the focal point of the mirror. Real images are formed when the object is located beyond the focal point, while virtual images are formed when the object is located between the mirror and the focal point.

How you can see number of images formed by mirror?

To determine the number of images formed by a mirror, you need to consider the distance of the object from the mirror and the type of mirror (concave or convex). For a plane mirror, only one image is formed which is virtual and upright. For concave and convex mirrors, the number of images formed can vary depending on the position of the object relative to the focal point, center of curvature, and the mirror's surface.

How do images form in concave?

In a concave mirror, images can form either real or virtual, depending on the object's distance from the mirror. Real images are formed when the object is placed beyond the focal point, while virtual images are formed when the object is placed between the focal point and the mirror. The image formed is upright for concave mirrors.

What is the image formed with a concave mirror?

A concave mirror can form either a real or virtual image, depending on the object distance and mirror focal length. Real images are formed when the object is located beyond the focal point, while virtual images are formed when the object is between the mirror and the focal point. Real images are inverted and can be projected onto a screen, while virtual images are upright and cannot be projected.

Why do you see many images of your self when you stand between two parallel mirrors?

when we stand between two parallel mirrors the first one reflects us and the second one reflects the first mirror this is why we see many images of our self when you stand between two parallel mirrors.

How many images formed in a plane mirror?

In 'a' plane mirror only 'one' image is formed.

How are images formed in a mirror?

Images are formed in a mirror through reflection of light. When light rays from an object fall on a mirror, they bounce off it at an angle equal to the angle of incidence, creating a virtual image that appears behind the mirror. The image appears to be the same size and distance as the object in front of the mirror.

How are images form in mirrors?

images are formed in a mirror by putting something up to it.

How many images formed when two mirrors are parallel?

When two mirrors are parallel to each other, an infinite number of images are formed due to the multiple reflections of an object between the mirrors. Each reflection creates a new image that is a mirror image of the previous one.