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Q: When analyzing the possible reaction between ZnCl and Atilde and 139 and Atilde and 131 and Br and Atilde and 139 and Atilde and 131 you must first compare the activities of which two elements?
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When analyzing the possible reaction between ZnCl2and Br2 you must first compare the activities of which two elements?

When analyzing the possible reaction between ZnCl2 and Br2, you must first compare the activities of zinc (Zn) and bromine (Br) as they are the reactive elements in this case. By comparing their activities, you can determine if a displacement reaction will occur, where the more reactive element will displace the less reactive one from its compound.

When analyzing the possible reaction between zinc chloride and Miriam you must first compare the activities of Which two elements?

When analyzing the possible reaction between zinc chloride and Miriam, you must first compare the activities of zinc and Miriam. Since zinc is more reactive than Miriam, it's likely that zinc chloride would react with Miriam.

What is the possible reaction of ZnCl2 and Br2?

The reaction is not possible.

Do the elements involved in a chemical reaction stay the same?

No. Each reaction will generally have different elements.

Is it possible for a composition reaction to also be a combustion reaction?

A composition reaction (sometimes also called a combination reaction.

A chemical reaction in which two elements or radicals change places with two other elements or radicals is?

A chemical reaction in which two elements or radicals exchange places with two other elements or radicals is known as a double displacement reaction. This type of reaction typically occurs between two ionic compounds or acids and bases, leading to the formation of two different compounds by the exchange of ions.

Why can't compounds be decomposed into elements in a chemical reaction?

They can be! Compounds can certainly be decomposed into individual elements in a chemical reaction.

Do products in science have compounds or elements?

It depends on the reaction. The products of a reaction may consist of elements, compounds, or both.

What reaction happens when you combine two elements?

A synthesis reaction.

A chemical reaction in which two elements or radicals change places with two other elements or radicals is a -blank- reaction?


What kind of stoichiometry refers to the mass relationships of elements in compounds?

Mass stoichiometry refers to the study of the mass relationships of elements in compounds. It involves analyzing the stoichiometric coefficients in a balanced chemical equation to determine the relative masses of reactants and products. This helps in calculating the amount of reactants needed or products formed in a chemical reaction.

What are the keys to predicting the products of the five general types of reactions?

The key to predicting products in chemical reactions lies in understanding the reaction type and the reactivity of the reactants. For example, in a synthesis reaction, combining two elements or compounds to form a single product is common. In a decomposition reaction, a single reactant breaks down into two or more products. Understanding these general types and the rules governing them will help in predicting the products.