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in gloustershire in 1348

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Q: When and where did the plague first arrive in Britain?
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What was the disease that was brought in Britain?

The horrible disease, plague, was brought in Britain.

When did the first fleet arrive in Australia from Britain carrying prisoners?

The First Fleet arrived in Australia on 26 January 1788.

What happend in 1400?

One of the most historical events that happened in th 1430's was when the first bubonic plague hit Britain.

Why was the plague the last plague to hit Britain?

It had to go all the way from the Meditarranean to Britain - it took about 2 years. And Britain wasn't the last - northern countries got it last! Girl, 12, West Bridgford School

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What year did the plauge reach Britain?

In 1665 the plague reached London. It was called the Great Plague. About 70, 000 people died.

How many people died in Britain during the bubonic plague?


What traveled along the silk road to Europe in 1354 How did it arrive?

The Black Plague traveled along the Silk Road in 1354 and arrived because of a ship carrying those who had the plague and were dying from it.

What percent of people died in Britain during the bubonic plague?

a third to a half.

Which occurred 1st the crusades or the plague?

The plague is an older disease, but the first Great Plague occurred in the 14th century in Europe, long after the first crusades.

When did the Anglo Saxon arrive in Britain?

A date of roughly 450 AD is widely accepted as the time of the first major influx of Angles and Saxons. Of course they didn't all arrive at the same time. For example, around 400 AD there were enough Saxon settlements in southern Britain that the area was often called "The Saxon Shore".

Why was the black death the last plague to hit Britain?

heyy mr kirbys class