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Q: When and where was the first mathematical system in perpective in painting developed?
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What major contribution did the Greek make to art?

They developed the first mathematical system of painting perspective

When and where was the first mathematical system of perspective painting developed?

In ancient Greece, starting around 400 BC

When and where the first mathematical system of perspective in painting developed?

In ancient Greece, starting around 400 BC

What major contributions did ancient Greeks make to art?

They developed the first mathematical system of painting perspective

What major contribution did the ancient Greeks make to art?

They developed the first mathematical system of painting perspective

Who created the first mathematical system if perspective in painting?

ancient Greeks

What did ancient Greeks contribute to art?

The first mathematical system of painting perspective

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Francis Bacon

Who created the first mathematical system of perspective in painting?

Ancient Greeks

Renaissance artists developed a mathematical system called which depicts the way objects in space appear to the eye?

Brunelleschi: Linear perspective.

When and where was the first mathematical system of perspective in painting development?

In ancient Greece, starting around 400 BC

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