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Numbered lists are generally used when something has to be done in a certain sequence. By using numbers a person knows what should be done first, second, and so on.

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Q: When are numbered lists generally used?
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How do you list a number of items?

HTML also contains a provision of Lists in it. They can be numbered if the option <ol> is used before <li>.

What you use to display information in a chronological list sequence of action or definite steps?

numbered lists

How is paper numbered?

generally 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on i assume.

Is it true or false that its best to avoid using numbered lists when the order is not significant?

That's true. If the order isn't important, it is much better to use bullets rather than a numbered list.

What is the difference between numbered text and outline numbered in terms of their use?

Outlined text is used in more structured situations, like where a part of a document has sections and sub-sections, like in a legal document or formal reports. Main headings or paragraphs might be numbered and have further smaller paragraphs. So you might have section 1 and within the a 1.1 and 1.2 and so on. They may just be indented and use bullets instead of numbers. Parts that are indented, giving the outlining effect. Numbered text is usually just simple lists with no sub-sections, though it can be used that way. This is where outlined and numbered text can be similar, as already mentioned. So you can have outlined text that is numbered or simpler documents with lists in it.

How many priestesses did Apollo have?

They are not numbered in a single year of Greek history; and certainty there were many unnamed and unnumbered if there were lists to be found.

What is the purpose of using TYPE and START attributes used in HTML lists?

The Type can define the numbering type, like whether it uses digits, Roman numerals or letters, or the shape of a bullet. For numbered lists, the Start attribute allows you to specify what number to start at if you don't want to start at 1.

What is the difference between the number text and outlines numbers in terms of their use?

Outlined text is used in more structured situations, like where a part of a document has sections and sub-sections, like in a legal document or formal reports. Main headings or paragraphs might be numbered and have further smaller paragraphs. So you might have section 1 and within the a 1.1 and 1.2 and so on. They may just be indented and use bullets instead of numbers. Parts that are indented, giving the outlining effect. Numbered text is usually just simple lists with no sub-sections, though it can be used that way. This is where outlined and numbered text can be similar, as already mentioned. So you can have outlined text that is numbered or simpler documents with lists in it.

What services does the company Info USA offer?

Info USA is a company that puts together and provides mailing lists. Generally, lists like these are used to generate leads for whatever product or service is being sold.

What is a numbered company?

A numbered company is another named that is used for a corporation. This term is most commonly used in Canada.

In what group on the Home tab would you find bulleted and numbered lists line spacing and text alignment options?

Paragraph group

Main expressways that run generally north-south are numbered with?

three digit numbers