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Q: When are scientists going to figure out what dose a fox really say or had they already figure it out?
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There is already a space station that scientists live on, however one that civilians would live in is still decades away.

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Scientists have said that time slows down when you are in space. So if you are in space for 5 years. Then if you were on earth, 10 years would have already gone past. Scientists are still trying to figure out why time gets slow down. They think it has something to do with gravity, but they are still not 100% sure.

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God? And they built synagogues. And then there's this really really complicated process... but you're probably going to have to ask another question to figure that out.

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no its a load of rubbish because according to scientists the should have ended 7 times already this year ;)

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you keep in contact til he breaks up then you.... you know

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Apparently because he's dating you. Either that or he is sick of you but can't figure out how to break up with him. Why not ask him?