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Q: When bathing on a stony beach why do the stones hurt your feet less when you get in deep water?
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When you are bathing on a stony beach why do the stones hurt your feet less when you get in deep water?

In deep water, you are buoyed up by the water displaced and as a result, you don't exertas much pressure against the stones on the bottom. When you are up to your neck inwater, you hardly feel the bottom at all.

What is a bathing box?

A bathing box is a term used in Britain and Australia for a beach hut - a single-room building above high-water mark on a beach which is used for changing into swimming clothes in privacy.

What to do at beach on a 1st date?

were a cute bathing suit and go in the water pack a picnic lunch or dinner

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At Pukapooka Beach, you walk one the stones in the water and find him a bit away. The stones are far off to the left. He looks like a tiki statue.

Where does the stony coral live?

In Salt Water

Is there water in a stony desert?

yes its an oasis

What does omi yeyeo means in Yoruba?

"Omi yeyeo" in Yoruba means "bathing water" or "water for bathing." It refers to water that is used for cleaning the body during bathing.

What type of noun is the word beach?

The noun 'beach' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for an area of sand or small stones adjoining a body of water; a word for a thing.The word 'beach' is also a verb: beach, beaches, beaching, beached.

What do you need for a beach bonfire?

For a beach binfire you need permission from the coast guard .Stones to circle the fire and prevent spreading.Wood to burn as fuel for the fire. Buckets to carry water to put it out with .

Is there any YoVille cheatcode's?

Yes there's this cheat you need a bathing suit you go to the beach and go in the water and stay in the water then click home and you will be floating you have to refresh to take it off and you can change your clothes

What kind of habiat do you put in a tank for a frog?

Mosses and stones to provide a damp environment in which they can hide and a water supply for bathing. Essentially you try to imitate their natural environment, which is generally the banks of a pond.

Why do American Girl dolls have bathing suits?

The company makes bathing suits for the dolls to entertain us customers. Even though the dolls themselves should not come in contact with water, if one was careful one can bring her doll to the beach! There is also the world of make believe.