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The fibers in paper have more exposed surface area than the fibers in wood. (NovaNet)

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Q: When building a campfire why is it easier to set fire to a piece of paper than to a branch or twig?
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What is a good amount of lighter fluid for a campfire?

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Asbestos paper in building paper?

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What is reason that make ternary computer system stop?

Transistors lend themselves to on/off circuits. The ternary system is easier on paper, in that the math is simpler, but building the circuits is a different matter.

What is an advantage of using paper notes over seashells?

Paper is easier to carry around then seashells and paper can be folded but not seashells so it makes it easier for people to keep their money.

Why is it easier to tear wet paper and not dry paper?

Wet paper fibers are weakened due to moisture, making them softer and more prone to breaking. This weakens the paper's structure, making it easier to tear compared to dry paper where the fibers are stronger and more tightly bound together.

In shark tooth how do you get the paper?

It's on a stone building.

What branch of chemistry is paper clips related to?


How does the type of paper airplane affect how far it goes?

the lighter the paper the easier the lift.Heavey paper will drop quicker.

What is a main idea of a paper?

the main idea of paper is to make it easier for people to write