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Right because you start with the number that begins

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Q: When comparing two numbers should you begin comparing the digits from right to left?
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How much numbers does a credit card have?

Credit cards have a series of 14-16 digits, beginning with the numbers 3, 4, 5 or 6. American Express cards begin with 3 and have 15 digits. Diners Club and Carte Blanche (JCB) cards begin with 3 and have 14 or 16 digits. Visa cards begin with 4 and have 16 digits. (Old cards used to have 14 digits). Mastercard cards begin with 5 and have 16 digits. Discover cards begin with 6 (usually 6011) and have 16 digits.

How many 7 digits telephone numbers are there that begin with 123 and that contain 3 or 7?

Since the numbers begin with 123, they all contain a 3. As a result, they all "contain 3 or 7". So the remaining 4 digits can be any digits and this gives 104 = 10,000 such numbers.

How many 8 digit numbers are there with 3 different digits where the smallest of the 3 occur twice and the other thrice?

Excluding numbers which begin with 0, there are 67,200 of them.

What is the number of possible 9 digit social security numbers if the digits may be repeated?

If the digits may be repeated, and if the number may begin with a zero, then it's just all ofthe counting numbers up to 999,999,999.If it can't begin with a zero, then you have to throw away the first 99,999,999 and there canonly be 900,000,000.

How many numbers can you make from the digits 0 1 2 and 3?

24, of which 6 will begin with zero. Excluding these, gives 18.

How many five digits numbers can be formed using 01234 without repetition assuming that number cannot begin with 0?

There are 4*4*3*2*1 = 96 such numbers.

What is the telephone country code for Macau?

Macau is country code +853. There are no area codes within Macau. Most numbers are 8 digits after the country code +853. Most ordinary landline numbers begin with +853 2. Direct dial-in numbers begin with +853 8. Most mobile numbers begin with +853 6.

step to add binary numbers 1010110 and 1011010?

To add paired numbers 1010110 and 1011010, you can follow these means: Begin by adjusting the two numbers upward, putting the digits in comparing sections: 1010110 1011010 Start adding the furthest right digits (the most un-huge pieces), which are 0 and 0 for this situation. Compose the total underneath the section: 1010110 1011010 000 Move to the following segment to one side and add the digits, considering any convey from the past section: 1010110 1011010 0 000 The amount of 1 and 1 is 0, and there are no convey digits. Proceed with this interaction for every section, working from right to left: 1010110 1011010 1100100 Whenever you have added every one of the segments, you will have the amount of the double numbers: 1010110 1011010 1100100 In this way, the amount of 1010110 and 1011010 in double is 1100100.

What is the telephone country code for El Salvador?

El Salvador is country code +503. There are no city codes or area codes. Landline numbers begin with +503 2. Mobile numbers begin with +503 6 or +503 7. The local number is 8 digits, except for freephone and premium-rate numbers.

How many numbers can be formed using the digits 01234?

If you use all of them each time, then 5*4*3*2*1 = 120. Of these, 24 will have a leading 0. There are 325 different numbers of 1-5 digits although, again, some of them begin with 0. These are the same as shorter numbers without the zero: that is, 023 has the same value as 23.

What London phone number is 961?

There are no local phone numbers in London beginning with 961, nor even beginning with 9. Local numbers in London begin with 3, 7, or 8, with a further seven digits.

What is the probability that a seven-digit phone number has one or more repeated digits?

Assuming all digits are equally likely, then it is 0.9395.However, that assumption is flawed since some numbers begin with 0. Some sequences are reserved and so on. So the distribution of numbers is NOT truly random and the above answer depends on all seven digit numbers being equally likely..