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Q: When comparing two quantities with different units which is the best type of graph to use?
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What is a ratio comparing two quantities with different kinds of units?

A rate.

A ratio comparing two quantities with different kinds of units?


What is rational system of unit?

A rational system of units is a system that is based on fundamental physical quantities and defined using a consistent set of base units. The International System of Units (SI) is an example of a rational system of units, where base units such as meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela are used to quantify different physical quantities. This system provides a standard framework for measuring and comparing various quantities in science and engineering.

Is this true that conversion factor is a ratio of equivalent values used to express the same units in different quantities?

No. The same quantities in different units.

Ratio that compares 2 quantities measured in different units?

ratio that compares 2 quantities measured in diiferent units

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A ratio that compares quantities of different units?


Why units are important to scientist?

Units are important to scientists because they provide a standardized way of measuring and comparing quantities. Using the correct units ensures that data is accurately interpreted and communicated across different research areas and scientific disciplines. Units also help to avoid errors and misunderstandings in calculations and experiments.

What is the SI unit fro expressing the quantity?

There are different units for different quantities.

Must quantities have different units before they can be added or subtracted?


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what is it

Ratios that compare quantities of different units are called?

Proportion (i think...)