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Q: When creating a Golden Spiral each successive division of a Golden Rectangle into a square and a smaller Golden Rectangle is called an iteration?
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How are the relationships of addition and subtraction similar to he relationship of multiplacation and division?

Multiplication is successive Addition Division is successive subtraction

How do you use successive division to find the GCF of two numbers?

For example we have 2 Nos. 24 & 36 .GCF =24)36(124------------12)24(224----------------0So the last divisor is the GCF of 24 & 36 which is 12 . And the above method is called successive division.

What are the main parts of a division problem?

Divisor, Dividend, Quotient, Remainder Divsion can be likened to successive subtraction.

Why do you always subtract in division?

Without going into the intricacies of long division........ Division is successive subtraction as opposed to multiplication which is successive addition. Let's say you want to divide 19 by 3, in successive subtraction you would first see if you can take away 3 from 19. The answer is yes. So you take away 3 and create a variable called quotient (which initially has a value of 0). Since you were able to successfully take away 3 from 19 during this first attempt, increment the quotient by 1. Since you took away 3 from 19 and accounted for it in the quotient (which is the number of times you are able to successfully take away 3 - the divisor) see what is left in the original number. 19 is now 16. Can you take away 3 from 16. The answer is yes. Increment the quotient - now it should be 2 and 16 will become 13. Keep doing this. You will see that you can do this six times in all (the quotient will have incremented to 6) and then you will be left with 1 from which you cannot take away 3. If you are limited to just integer division the process ends here. Of course if one knows multiplication tables, then this problem can be solved in one step. One would know that 3 can be taken away from 19 six times with a remainder of 1 at the end. So to illustrate this further, if we started with 19 pencils and the teacher wanted us to make bundles of 3 pencils, division or successive subtraction tells us that we can make six bundles with 1 pencil left over.

What is division algorithm?

a division metheod use to solve a division problem

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How are the relationships of addition and subtraction similar to he relationship of multiplacation and division?

Multiplication is successive Addition Division is successive subtraction

How many cells will there be after 5 successive mitotic divisions of a zygote?

After 5 successive mitotic divisions of a zygote, there will be 32 cells. This is because each mitotic division doubles the number of cells, starting with the original zygote cell. So, it follows the pattern: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.

What are the main parts of a division problem?

Divisor, Dividend, Quotient, Remainder Divsion can be likened to successive subtraction.

How do you use successive division to find the GCF of two numbers?

For example we have 2 Nos. 24 & 36 .GCF =24)36(124------------12)24(224----------------0So the last divisor is the GCF of 24 & 36 which is 12 . And the above method is called successive division.

How many divisions in meiosis?

Two successive nuclear divisions occur, Meiosis I (Reduction) and Meiosis II (Division)

Has any football team won successive promotions into the premier league from division 1?

Yes. Manchester City has done that feat.

What the division of a ends.?

The division of operands results in a quotient and possibly a remainder, depending on the kind of division being performed. It involves distributing a quantity into equal parts or groups, creating a fractional result when not evenly divisible.

What is meant by social division of labor explain with the help of examples how social division of labor creates conditions for exchange?

Social division of labor is an aspect of division of labor. It shows the social structure of the technical division of tasks, between firms and workers, or between countries or towns, and focuses on exchange markets. A prime example is one where one town is better equipped for creating food, but another is better suited for creating clothes. As these two towns specialize through social division of labor, they find it beneficial to exchange.

Meiosis divides the chromosomes in the nucleus how many times?

Two successive nuclear divisions occur, Meiosis I (Reduction) and Meiosis II (Division)

How do you geometrically divide a rectangle into 5 equal parts?

Divide the longer edge (or shorter one, for that matter) by 5, mark the 4 spots along the edge going by the answer of your division, and there you have it.

How many cells will there be after 8 successive mitotic divisions of a zygote?

After 8 successive mitotic divisions of a zygote, there will be 256 cells. Each mitotic division doubles the number of cells, so if the zygote starts with 1 cell, it will be divided into 2, then 4, then 8, and so on, until reaching 256 cells after 8 divisions.

How do you cut a rectangle into 3 equal parts?

Take any side and divide it in three. Do the same to the opposite side. Join these division points to make three equal strips.