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Q: When did 120 Texans take over the garrison by surprise in goliad?
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What is the meaning of the Goliad Flag?

The meaning of the Goliad Flag has nothing to do with slavery, or "African" American history. It was a flag raised over the fortress of Goliad in Texas during the Texas Revolution against Mexico. It's meaning to Texans are varied, but fall under "I would rather cut off my right arm, than live under tyranny."

Why was Washington able to achieve surprise over the Hessian garrison at Trenton?

It was well planned and it was Christmas Eve. They weren’t looking for an attack.

What did William L. Garrison stand for in the debate over slavery?

William Lloyd Garrison was an abolitionist .

What are the three garrisons?

The first garrison likes to crap all over his mom's face because he likes to play with watchita milk in his underwear. The second garrison likes to eat nerds while crapping all over the first garrison's face. The third garrison likes to remodel the first garrison's butt with his hands. He likes to squeeze it very tightly.

Who does the voice over in the Honda jazz commercial?

Garrison Keillor

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Garrison Commander is the person that facilitate the project of the troop. The troop is responsible for building properties and to watch over the welfare of the people in their fortress.

Who does the voice over or the Honda advert Is it Rob Paulsen?

Garrison Keillor

What was the final outcome of the battle of the alamo?

The fall of the Alamo, the slaughter of the Texans after they surrendered, the slaughter of the Texans at Goliad; all these factors inspired the Texans to fight harder for independence, defeat General Santa Ana, and free the territory from under the control of Mexico. After all, when the Mexicans showed they had a "no prisoner's taken" policy, it does inspire a person not to surrender when they know they Will be killed if they surrender.

Knocked you over with a feather?

Great surprise :0

Who does the voice over in the 2010 Honda civic ads?

Garrison Keillor...US broadcaster

Why did the union and the confederate fight over fort Sumter?

Because it was a US Army garrison on an island in Charleston harbour. The Confederates wanted to assert their sovereignty over the whole of South Carolina. The Union refused to recognise the Confederacy, and wanted to assert their rights over the island and its garrison.

How did Texans challenge Mexican troops at Gonzales?

They refused to turn over their cannon to the Mexican Army.