The duration of A Bunch of Fives is 1500.0 seconds.
A Bunch of Fives was created on 1977-05-18.
In the UK we can have a bunch of flowers, a bunch of bananas or a bunch of fives (meaning a clenched fist)
SC Fives ended in 1944.
Flowers, grapes and bananas. Hair, stuff and cheese ????? In the UK a bunch of fives is a fist or a punch.
The homonyms for "on the end of your arm" are "palm" and "palm". The homonyms for "a bunch of bananas" are "bunch" and "bunch".
The Baseball Bunch ended in 1985.
4 fives, which would leave you with 0.4 fives, which would leave you with 0.4 fives, which would leave you with 0.4 fives, which would leave you with 0.4 fives, which would leave you with 0.4 fives, which would leave you with 0.
3 fives of 40 = 15 of 40 = 6003 fives of 40 = 15 of 40 = 6003 fives of 40 = 15 of 40 = 6003 fives of 40 = 15 of 40 = 600
Fives, also known as CT-27-5555, is still alive as of the end of Season Three. He is the last remaining member of Domino Squad which consisted of clones Fives, Echo, Hevy, Cutup and Droidbait. Fives has survived the Separatist assaults on Kamino, the Rishi Moon (which killed Droidbait, Cutup and Hevy), and a mission to rescue captives from the Citadel, a prison located on the planet Lola Sayu. (which killed Echo)
Shorts in a Bunch ended on 2008-01-27.
Eton Fives was created in 1877.