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Q: When did Charles Babbage invent the mechanical calculator?
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Did Charles Babbage invent a calculator?


Who helped invent the computer?

Charles babbage

Who invent computer?

Charles Babbage and it was first made for military use

When did Charles Babbage invent the computer printer?

Charles Babbage did not invent the computer printer. He is most famous for inventing the "Babbage Difference engine" which was a mechanically operated calculator. Babbage started his work on the difference engine in 1822 and continued to improve on his ideas throughout his life eventually developing several computational machines. Babbage is also the inventor of the cow-catcher and the opthalmoscope.

When Charles Babbage invent his computer?

Charles Babbage invented his computer in the year 1822

Why did Charles Babbage invent?


Who invent the teloscope?

The telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey, a Dutch eyeglass maker, in the early 17th century. However, there were also claims by other individuals such as Galileo Galilei for inventing the telescope around the same time period.

Who invent autumobile?

charles babbage

Why did Charles Babbage invent the typewriter?

Babbage did not invent the typewriter - he invented the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine: mechanical mathematical processors. His purpose in designing those was to simplify and improve the accuracy of complex, repetitive arithmetic operations.

What did Charles Babbage do for a living?

He spend his time trying to invent mechanical computer systems like the difference engine and the analytical engine

What machine did Charles Babbage invent?

the computer

Did Charles Babbage invent anything?

yes,its computer.