February 13th falls on a Friday in a common year when February 1st is a Friday. This occurs when there are no leap years between the year in question and the nearest leap year preceding it. For example, February 13th, 2015 fell on a Friday, as the nearest leap year before 2015 was 2012.
Well, buckle up buttercup because February 13th falls on a Friday whenever it's part of a non-leap year. So, grab your calendar and check out 2009, 2015, 2026, and 2037 for some Friday the 13th fun. Just don't walk under any ladders or let any black cats cross your path on those days!
Today is Friday the 13th, February 13th, 2009, that is!
February, March & November
Friday the 13th part VI was made in 1986, and Friday the 13th part VII was made in 1988; but there was no Friday the 13th made in 1987.
The next time Friday the 13th will fall in March is March 13, 2015.
Today is Friday the 13th, February 13th, 2009, that is!
Exactly 14% of all October 13th fall on Friday, the next one is in 2017.
Friday always falls on a Friday, including Friday the 13th.
2012 and before that in 2007.2012 and before that in 2007.2012 and before that in 2007.2012 and before that in 2007.2012 and before that in 2007.2012 and before that in 2007.2012 and before that in 2007.2012 and before that in 2007.2012 and before that in 2007.2012 and before that in 2007.2012 and before that in 2007.
Friday The 13th: Part 12 (2009) (Remake)
the 2009 film came out in the usa, Friday February the 13th 2009
February 13th 1981 was a Friday.
Friday the 13th, 1959.
Friday the 13th - 1923 was released on: USA: 1 February 1923
June 13th, 1958 fell on a Friday.