Never because you cant die a second time.
God has to use the same sperot but not the same body because the body is in the ground and God creates the after life for us. actually did die later on when he is awakened from death the second time in Gods Kingdom he then will never die
A:There are two persons called Lazarus in the New Testament. The first is in a parable in Luke's Gospel, which tells of Lazarus hypothetically raised from the dead. This Lazarus is mentioned 4 times. The second Lazarus is in John's Gospel, which says that Jesus raised him from the dead after several days. John's Gospel as a whole is loosely based on Luke's Gospel, and it can readily be demonstrated that this story of Lazarus was inspired by Luke's parable about the other Lazarus. Here, Lazarus is mentioned 11 times.
Comes from two places in the book of Luke 19:41 he wept over the city of Jerusalem because they did not recognize who he was. the second time is in John 11:35 when he wept at Lazarus tombstone but not for Lazarus he wept because of the peoples lack of belief
Lazarus means God is my Help. Lazaro is a variant of Lazarus.
In the Bible, there are two individuals named Lazarus. The first Lazarus is a character in the Gospel of Luke, featured in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. The second Lazarus is the brother of Mary and Martha, and is famously raised from the dead by Jesus in the Gospel of John.
There were probably two men named Lazarus.
Richard Lazarus died in 2002.
Lazarus of Aix died in 441.
Lazarus Zographos died in 867.
Lazarus Fletcher died in 1921.
Milton Lazarus died in 1955.
Henry Lazarus died in 1895.
Lazarus Bendavid died in 1832.
Lazarus Goldschmidt died in 1950.
Lazarus Geiger died in 1870.
Lazarus Stewart died in 1778.
Bob Lazarus died in 2009.
Lazarus Buonamici died in 1552.